Saturday, January 16, 2010

What to do?

What would one really do if a major disaster was to happen in our city and food and water is short, and the help of emergency services would be way overly burdened to come to help you and your family, your friends, your neighbors? And this is if they could come to your aid in the first place cause the roads would be destroyed and flooded anyways. Everyone would be trying to help themselves before they could try to help anyone else. Just imagine if this was to really happen to us-to what has happened to Haiti.

I do realize we have resources that is no comparison to what Haiti  has. There would be chaos, and we the people would try to help one another as much as we possibly could. I know the LDS church would try to help with food, and such, to those that are in the fold first perhaps maybe I'm wrong but even so can they help everyone in need for a sustainable amount of time?

And then there is the problem of people over taking other people if they have what they need, and such people may not be able to protect themselves from such invasions. Then we have to consider curfews being imposed and the possibility of marshal law being set in!

Just maybe initially all this would be the least of our problems cause we have all the lakes and reservoirs, and all the rivers all around us that we would be in a major flood situation as well. Can an individual be prepared for all of these scenarios? I guess partly, and then to an extent.
 If anyone out there have any takes on this I have open ears...


  1. Food for thought !!!

  2. Well I remember in 1962, as I was (very young) we had an earthquake here in Salt Lake and I remember the dishes falling out of the kitchen cabinets. That was scary...
